Haunted Museum

Haunted Traveling Museum
Who isn’t captivated by a creepy doll, or a tortuous looking piece of medical equipment? For this very reason, we, at Napa Ghosts, have collected strange and haunted items throughout the years and through our creepy hoarding and we decided to create the Haunted Traveling Museum!
Our museum travels with us to events, conventions, and is also the backdrop for our podcast, “Paranormal Road Trip”. You will often find us using items from the museum on investigations as “trigger objects” to attract ghosts. Such items may be a doll for a child, or an old goldmine stock certificate if we are up in gold country. It may be the viewing coffin made by patients at The Napa State Hospital, or the 1902 wheelchair from the asylum when we are working in a haunted hospital or an abandoned asylum.
Items speak to our mediumistic ears, and call us. It may be a case we are working on, a haunted location, where the family is terrified, and the item needs to be removed from the home. Such as in the case of the large copper and nickel vintage fire extinguishers that were in a client’s home. It may be a religious artifact that gives off a vibration of the previous owner, as in the collection of rosary beads on display. Each and every item has a story and a presence about it. to us, these items are invaluable, and we are now their keepers.
We will continue to collect pieces as we travel, and we often share our museum- it can be rented for a party, or used as a display. it cannot, however, be bought! We hope you enjoy and feel the spookiness of these items as you browse through our page.